Interview series ๐ŸŽค - Claudio ( Lead Programmer )

Since we just release our Alpha we are doing a small series of interviews with each of the team members. In this interview we will be hearing from Claudio our programmer. Claudio was asked four questions.

  1. What are your responsibilities.
  2. In the lead up to the Alpha what were your focuses.
  3. What are you most proud of in the game.
  4. What are you looking forward to seeing most in the game.

These are the responses that he gave.

  1. My main responsibilities are delivering the full "In The Middle" experience and making sure it runs and plays as smoothly as possible.
  2. My main focus was to deliver the three main scenes (tutorial, first car scene and first flashback), make them run and play smoothly and making sure they'd be representative of the final product.
  3. I am proud of the team's efforts as a whole and how, combined with my coding, the experience is starting already to come together and show the game's full potential.
  4. I am looking forward especially to see our collective vision be realized and be fully experienceable by players, independently of how powerful their gaming hardware is.

We will be continuing this interview series with the rest of the team and you will see the next one in the coming days.

Get In The Middle

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